Yayasan Cipta


AFP’s goal is to increase funding and improve policy commitments at all levels of national governments, among bilateral and multilateral donors, and the private sector. It builds on past investments and ongoing activities in reproductive health advocacy, leadership development, knowledge generation, and innovative service delivery projects. The success of AFP will very much depend on effectively working with established reproductive health organizations such as BKKBN, Ministry of Health and other government institutions, Ikatan Bidan Indonesia (IBI), Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI), and other professional organisations, USAID, UNFPA and other donors as well as other parties and individuals.

AFP builds on momentum generated by the re-emergence of U.S. leadership and the continuing and growing interest of European donors. Additionally, there is increased recognition at the country level for the need to invest in family planning in order to improve health and achieve the MDGs.

The project focuses on providing policy makers with evidence on why family planning is a sound investment with dividends in terms of health, socio-economic development, the environment, and other areas. The message and the messengers will reflect each country’s situation and the interests of those policy makers.

To achieve its goals, strengthen Southern advocates and create sustainable advocacy platforms, AFP has developed three distinct, but interrelated objectives:

  • Mobilize and strengthen sustainable family planning/reproductive health advocacy with catalytic investments in Indonesia, Tanzania, and Uganda, countries with potential for wider replication of the AFP approach in other developing countries
  • Strengthen existing family planning/reproductive health advocacy investments in India, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, and Senegal by providing cutting edge and highly specialized technical assistance
  • Voices from the South-average voices of Global South champions regionally and globally to demand revitalization of family planning/reproductive health agenda to achieve MDG 5b and to create a platform for greater South-to-South cooperation



Advance Family Planning (AFP) is an evidence-based, three-year effort designed to help developing countries achieve universal access to reproductive health (MDG 5b). It aims to revitalize family planning programs through increased and more effective funding, and improved policy commitments at the local, national, and global levels.

About Project

Donors: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and David Lucille Packard Foundation

Partners: Johns Hopkins CCP


  • Agustus 2010 s/d Oct 2012
  • November 2012 s/d Sept 2017


Kabupaten Bandung, Kabupaten Karawang, Kabupaten Karanganyar, Kabupaten Bogor, Kota Pontianak, Kabupaten Bengkayang dan Kabupaten Kuningan


AFP Secretariat:

Name: Dini Haryati
Office: AFP Indonesia

Address: Jl. Berlian No.5 RT.09/11, Kelurahan Bidara Cina, Kecamatan Jatinegara, Jakarta Timur – 13330, Indonesia.

Phone : 6221-22890140, Fax: 6221-22890226,

Email: d.haryati@yayasancipta.org